MotoCaching is simply GeoCaching using OHV’s to find the caches. All of the caches are near the trails or roads and do not require climbing or rough walking. Most caches are placed near points of interest or great views; so bring your camera. The caches are also listed on Geocache.com. Have fun finding them and exploring our special place in the world. Be Safe.
Utah/Arizona ATV Club Motocache locations: Thanks to Don and Karen Kramer.
Locations by name:
Eye on Fredonia: N 37 03.731 W 112 26.519
Cowboys Cave Glyphs: N 37 09.282 W 112. 25.974
Stout Overlook: N 37 29.960 W 34 756
Dino TopPia: N 37 00.155 W 112 48.755
Brown Canyon Cabin: N 37 11.340 W 112 28.653
Three Bears: N 37 13.081 W 112 33.382
Sheep Wagon: N 37 12.257 W 112 28.600
Red Pinnacles: N 37 10.265 W 112 27.792
Peek A Boo: N 37 10.773 W 112 33,534