Cleanup Staging areas, sealed picnic tables at Peek A Boo, and Elephant Cove. Site clean up and burning of brush. 80 hours.
Relocated Hog Canyon trail signs and crossing location. 10 hours
Removing deteriorated signs at Kiosk locations, 30 hours
Provide hands on youth ATV riding Safety Program at Kane Plex 12 hours.
April 21, 2018 Highway 89 cleanup is at 8:30 AM at the 8-mile gap Road east of town. After the highway clean-up we will be trailoring our OHV’s to Peek A Boo to pre-ride the Fun Run route, mark the Fun Run Stations and doing a route cleanup and evaluation. (Bring your lunch)
The next highway cleanup will be October 20, 2018 at 8:30 AM
The ATV Club does two yearly highway cleanups on two miles of highway East of Kanab. The Club’s volunteers have been cleaning our local highway for over 10 years as a community service.
2017 Utah/Arizona ATV Club Service Projects
(What the ATV Club does for our Community).
February 17th and 18th ATV Club information table at the Kanab ‘Balloons and Tunes’ street fair.
March 22 – 24, Arizona Strip, Antelope Valley road cleanup.
April 22, US Highway 89 cleanup. ATV Club members cleaned up a 2-mile stretch of highway collecting 20 bags of trash.
April 22, Hog Canyon Trails cleanup and trail repairs.
April 26 Brown Canyon trail repairs, and culver resetting.
April 29 and May 10, ATV Club Volunteers Club purchased materials used for repairs to the historical Monkey House on the Nipple Ranch.
May 15 – 16, Cleanup of Hog Canyon Staging areas, Kanab Creek trails and bridge.
May 19 to 21, Annual Fun Run event brought more than 100 OHV Families as visitors to Kanab for this event.
May 25 Kanab Creek OHV bridge widening project.
May 27 ATV Club Warriors ride honoring our Veterans in recognition of Armed Forces Day providing a special ride for them.
June, ATV Club donates $750 in scholarships awarded to area students.
July 4th ATV Club volunteers for City parade honoring our country.
July, ATV Coordinating a State Parks Grant to bring pit toilets to Peek A Boo and Elephant Cove Staging areas.
August, ATV Club members volunteer for the Garfield County OHV Rally.
September 20, contracted with Waterman Welding to construct a new grill-grate for the Rancho’s Park.
September 21, ATV Club special recognition for 2017 Community Service award, to Clay Stewart, Kanab BLM Field Office, and to Jim and Pam Aziz as members of the year.
September 30, Public Lands Day ATV Club Cleanup Peek A Boo Trails and slot. Finding and repairing the ATV Club Moto-Cache (Geo-Cache) locations.
October 21, US Highway 89 cleanup. ATV Club members cleaned up a 2-mile stretch of highway collecting 300 lbs. of trash.
October 27, ATV Club volunteers downed tree threatening to close Kanab Creek trail.
November, Pending ATV Club civic donations to veterans and to the Kane County volunteer center.
2017 Year Long Projects:
- Developing the Anasazi Trails Staging Areas. A community service project document shared with the Travel Council benefiting our tourists and visitors directing them to 10 staging areas within 30 miles of Kanab to access the Anasazi Trails. It is an ATV Club “work in progress” benefiting our community.
- Securing the honor to host the UTAH Big Ride which will bring to Kanab representatives from throughout Utah from Federal, State, and Local OHV Trail representatives. This will showcase our local area and brand it as an OHV destination.
- To inspect and clean our local Staging areas of trash and debris.
Past Projects:
- 2015 the Nationally Award-winning Kanab Creek OHV Bridge.
- The development through support from many sources of the Elephant Cove, Peek A Boo, and Johnson Canyon, Hog/Crocodile Staging areas.
- The grant which provided the needed large culverts for the Hog Canyon road and staging area.
- Up graded the Rancho’s City Park Pavilion with new Tables, a Block Wall and extending the roofing to block the afternoon sun. ATV Club volunteers and purchased materials.
Note: Using the numbers that the Best Friends provided of what is generated in revenue by their 400 Kanab staff. Then the ATV Clubs 100-member households generate $3,637,500. Dollars to our respective communities annually.UT / AZ ATV CLUB ~ All Rights Reserved